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Wellcome to 4yx.me

Once the capabilities of the alleged profesionals reach the limit,


the enthusiasts can help with their ideas and dreams !



Направи Голям Дрон София България




   In this site you will find useful information on how to make your own dron. Making your own dron is a lucrative venture and you can put parts of different manufacturers to realize your idea.

My idea at the beginning was to create a steady flying dron to carry a camera with a steerable ground operator. In the assembling of the drones, I had to use red conical washers, from which the name of the dwarf, KALIN, came.

The Kalin project shows the used parts, where they are ordered and what they look like.

On the right side of the site there are banner manufacturers of drones, from which I have purchased various parts for the KALIN project.

When viewing the site with a mobile device, banners are not visible.

You will also find ways to modify the firmware of various DJI products.
This is not an online store and you can not buy drones, but I can help with advice if you know what you want